Wednesday, November 03, 2004

hey, peeps.

As an act of mourning over the Bush pseudo-victory (no *true* victory for *anyone*) I have started this blog over. The old posts are gone and all record of them has been removed from the web, I trust. I enforce my Copyright rights, and insist that this be done if this is not already so, at once.

My blog *shall* continue, however, anew! Therefore fear not. I *will* push for a better language, that supports us all in our *natural* *kindly* tendencies and puts the old bad linguistic usages to their eternal having-been-stopped-to-endless-time. Bear with me, as I am experimenting with linguistic forms new to me and that *will* show here on my blog. For instance, the usage "having-been-stopped-to-endless-time" is an experimental usage that occurred to me on the spot when I needed some such usage, to say that a bad piece of language can be stopped so that it does *not* recur endlessly in a "cycle" of abuse.


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