hey, peeps.
i was just listening to U2's "Trying to Throw Your Arms Around the World" and it reminded me of a time, years ago, on a camp on Orcas Island that my grandparents started and that i've been going to since i was two, a Theosophical camp called Indralaya, when i had a real mystical experience.
i had tried to unify my mind with the whole world, to cast forth my mind around the whole world, and somehow, somewhere in my brain a connection was made and i *made* it. i could feel the enormous oblate spheroid of the Earth beneath me and the teeming life upon it, especially the billions of human beings but by far not exclusively the humans as somehow *inside* me. it was gorgeous. and then i knew that life is good, that life is truly loveable and should be fostered and encouraged. it was a huge experience for me at the time, and i'm glad to be reminded of it.
of course, i'm a certified nutcase, on psychiatric medication for things like depression and restless leg syndrome and whatnot, so you don't have to take anything i say overly seriously, but on the other hand i do have a high degree of basic intelligence, having scored between 141 and 159 on i.q. tests at various points, and a degree in mathematics, no less, from Harvard, no less. so i'm not *completely* unrespectable. i don't say this to brag, but to establish "credentials" as it were, so you don't dismiss me as the average random stupid nutcase, which i don't say to insult anyone (i've got a Libra ascendant and am *way* too understanding to want to insult anyone) but to point out that a lot of things that some people say are kind of out there in nonsense territory. not that i'm the perfect judge of what's what, of course. i'm not claiming to be that, really. anyway, i'm more like the farout spiritual intelligent nutcase with a few good ideas once in a while, like this unit zero thing, which just intuitively *has* to have something to it.
i'm a pretty big little U2 fan. a few months ago i bought "The Complete U2" on iTunes and sometimes spend the couple of days or so it takes to play through it listening to it in the background while i do whatever. "The Complete U2" is really a great collection, with presumably all of their formal releases including albums, singles, soundtrack pieces and some of their live recordings too.
anyway, l8r.
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