hey, peeps.
i'm currently working on a project for my sister's wedding and am *oh* so glad to be able to do *something* really useful! too much of the time these days i've felt useless, uselessly enough...
when really, there is a great truth to the old adage, "they also serve who do but sit and dream." in other words, it's an act of service simply to live life as a good person, even if circumstances don't let you do much very actively in the outer world. i believe that wholeheartedly. for even so, one's mental continuum is participating in the whole and enriching it ongoingly within the great vast creative process of life and ongoing evolution, and one's good efforts in thought and speech are *not* wasted, even if in outer action one's life is limited as mine has been in recent years.
Saturday, June 25, 2005
Friday, June 24, 2005
hey, peeps.
for my fliggle floggle...
just one more of the weird coincidences which astound me every day these days... the hymn, or if not hymn properly speaking then at least religious song, "how great thou art," was going through my mind, and just as it was finishing one round, ending as it does on the tonic of the melody, i picked up my tibetan bell, and found that it rings just *exactly* on that very same pitch! coincidence? astoundingly unlikely, i am given to think, in context of so many *other* "mere" coincidences of in some ways similar nature.
now, what am i to *make* of this coincidence? am i to take it as a sign to lead me to a greater worship of God, about Whom the song? that's the first thought that was on my mind, or *one* of the first thoughts plural that was on my mind, to be more certain. i'll have to think about it. i have many things on my mind, generally speaking, and choices within my complex religious path are certainly high on my list of priorities. mine *is* a complex religious path at this time, and at my core my upbringing says that that is okay. it is part of my heritage to think somehow that that is okay.
hey, peeps.
i decided to put this in my google-goggle right away. (for explanation of google-goggles, see my sister's blog at the gallivanting monkey.)
i think the raspberry with chocolate thing is just a pseudo fad. it's worse than a fad. it's a fad based on less than nothing, based on false imagination. people say they like raspberry+chocolate because they think they're *supposed* to like raspberry+chocolate, whereas in reality the combination produces an unpleasant bitter taste that is repulsive and can scarcely be acquired as a "taste" except through heavy unnatural psychological conditioning. raspberry+chocolate is a pseudofad. my mother and i figured this out this morning and i thought i'd put this on ye olde google-giggle at once.
Wednesday, June 22, 2005
hey, peeps.
not all the poo-pooing books in the world would convince me the Masters of the Wisdom don't exist. i've seen too many unusual things myself, been the recipient of too many an unusual occurrence, not to be convinced of the reality of the "next world" so called, and the Mahatmas are a logical deduction from the study of human nature including in relationship with the next and further worlds. i have a staunch theosophical belief in the Masters that's not going away.
i suppose one way of putting it is that, to the best of my knowledge, my personal world *behaves* as though they exist.
Tuesday, June 21, 2005
alright, peeps, hey.
this is a post to test out different font characteristics, like these hoped for italics.
and this hoped for bold print.
and this teletype text, full stop
font size 1 small font size 2 bigger font size 3 bigger still font size 4 bigger yet font size 5 getting pretty big font size 6 almost biggest font size 7 max
Tomato color font. Back to regular color font.
This has been a test. Had this been a real blog posting I'd have begun with hey, peeps and ended with l8r.
Friday, June 17, 2005
hey, peeps.
it's the heat death of the universe that's scaring me half to death, really. i don't know quite what to do about it, and i figure my consciousness will still be around in some form or other as the universe slowly or quickly expands away in heat death, and it's just been bugging me terribly, the thought of it.
then again, i believe that Love is the most powerful force in the universe, Love that steps in whenever things go sufficiently awry to be able to invoke it to make things better, and that Love always has and always *will* make things better when things have gone awry, and that this has much to do with intimacy with God or the Divine Presence or the Dhyani Buddhas or whatever one might prefer to call such. i really need to work up a greater degree of faith and *trust* so i don't live under such stress so much of the time about something so huge i feel so relatively helpless about, when there is and are simultaneously that and those that make things better eventually every time, in my experience.
Thursday, June 16, 2005
hey, peeps.
i've been watching a lot of christian television lately. i think it's not bad for me to do so from time to time. after all, while i certainly am a buddhist i also am a liberal catholic christian and have found a way to see no contradiction between the two. a certain tenet of Theosophy, also present in certain forms of Buddhism and certain forms of Christianity, gives the key to this, the tenet that the Self is One. this is a difficult idea to grasp, and altogether too easy an idea to abuse, so be warned, yet the idea is out there and you probably ought to know it if you've stumbled across a blog like mine karmically. in light of Unity, sow Love, dear reader dear friend, sow Love.
hey, peeps.
my fingers are metaphorically crossed. i took a preliminary test to see whether i'm a suitable candidate for the Tomatis program, a therapeutic program for the ears and the listening faculty, an "earobics" program as it were... (no, don't kick me, i didn't invent that one...) and i should know by about the weekend to Monday or so whether I'm a suitable candidate for the program, whether it's likely to help me sufficiently to be worth the effort of it. i have a hunch i'll be accepted into the program, but how i get to test whether this is a true hunch or not is to wait for the result, after all...
hey, peeps.
silly, silly david forgots to turns on the commentses he dids, didn'ts he. silly, silly david. {gollum}
hey, peeps.
i mean to start a study group here in Seattle based upon the Theosophical teachings of my great uncle Harry van Gelder. i've only made one phone call so far along the way on this path, but that's a beginning. many of us around here used to attend his summer workshops at Camp Indralaya on Orcas Island each year and would look forward eagerly to everything from the sublime experiences of the powers of Nature which he would bring to us to the gruff way he would deal with certain types of questions. i miss my dear great uncle Harry. i didn't get to spend nearly so much time with him as i would have liked, nor i fancy than we both would have liked, knowing that we certainly had a true mutual fondness. it will certainly be a pleasure to do the work of pulling together another group (there was an earlier one around here) based upon his working principles.