Saturday, November 06, 2004

hey, peeps.

Since the Thataway Rose blog scheme doesn't have a Links section, I've started adding two links to the bottom of each post. The first is to THE HUNGER SITE etc., which is a website where you can click for no charge and draw down funds for good causes such as feeding the hungry (human) people, preserving rainforest area (tree people) and feeding sheltered animals (people). US Gov Email Addresses links you to a site with, you guessed it, US Government email addresses for you politically active people who like to write to your President, Vice President, Senators, Congresspeople and other government officials. Many are listed. I've gotten into the habit of, kind of off and on, but I intend more on than off, writing to government officials about a variety of concerns that affect not only me but the American people (of various kinds) and the populations of the world. I've written a few doozies, let me tell you... I've written a few doozies... It's nice to know also that one can get free stuff from one's I think both Senators and Congresspeople. I've gotten a free pocket Constitution and a lovely signed picture of Representative Jim McDermott, a *very* fine Representative *indeed*, one of our national treasures. I've written to Representative McDermott (my own Representative, I'm *pleased* to say, and reelected, too!, as if there had been any realistic doubt -- typically he runs unopposed, even) and Senators Murray (was she reelected? I believe it was a tight race) and Cantwell (my Senators) on a number of occasions. I *strongly* recommend writing to one's elected representatives, but only if one is on the political left, because if one is on the political right one's letters are bound to sound like total nonsense and put off the representative in question. :) :)


US Gov Email Addresses

hey, peeps.

I chose this Thataway Rose blog style / color scheme as Rose is a color symbolic of love, both in the flower and in the personal aura. May viewing my blog remind us of the necessity of loving kindness in all our doings.


US Gov Email Addresses

hey, peeps.

Here's an editorial piece on BeliefNet suggesting a way that the political left and the Democratic Party could incorporate spiritual values and *not* depart from the intrinsic values of the Democratic Party.

You see, one of the *huge* factors the Democratic Party *missed out* on this election year was the upswell of religiosity and even of spirituality in the American populace that has been going on for quite some years now, evidenced *not* only by the rising tide of evangelicalism but also by the "New Age" movements, the recent Kabbalah fascination, the upswell of the old Pagan traditions in modern forms (and new Pagan traditions too) and so forth and so on, all pointing to a rising need in America for true spirituality, whether the people are actually *finding* that or not, and for *true* compassion, which the Republican Party *claims* but does *NOT* give in practice. A truly spiritually wedded political left, a truly spiritually wedded, and *NOT* religiously wedded, Democratic Party, oriented toward values of *true* compassion in *politics*, foreign and domestic both, might give us Americans and through us the Earth something *truly* great that we have so *sorely* been missing out on ever since the days, as the author of the editorial points out, when we of the political left looked to the spiritual mentorship of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

That having been said, here is the link to the editorial: Democrats Need a Religious Left. I think you may find the editorial provocative.


US Gov Email Addresses

Wednesday, November 03, 2004

hey, peeps.

As an act of mourning over the Bush pseudo-victory (no *true* victory for *anyone*) I have started this blog over. The old posts are gone and all record of them has been removed from the web, I trust. I enforce my Copyright rights, and insist that this be done if this is not already so, at once.

My blog *shall* continue, however, anew! Therefore fear not. I *will* push for a better language, that supports us all in our *natural* *kindly* tendencies and puts the old bad linguistic usages to their eternal having-been-stopped-to-endless-time. Bear with me, as I am experimenting with linguistic forms new to me and that *will* show here on my blog. For instance, the usage "having-been-stopped-to-endless-time" is an experimental usage that occurred to me on the spot when I needed some such usage, to say that a bad piece of language can be stopped so that it does *not* recur endlessly in a "cycle" of abuse.


US Gov Email Addresses